Hydrus Ambassador Program Rules and Guidelines


Welcome to the Hydrus Ambassador Program, where passionate paddleboarding enthusiasts come together to grow and promote not just a brand, but a lifestyle. By joining us, you're committing to more than just a contract—you're becoming a part of a community of people who genuinely care about paddleboarding and its many benefits.


Who Can Join?

Existing Hydrus customers passionate about paddleboarding.

  1. Must be 18 years or older to participate.
  2. Must own a Hydrus paddleboard and have a deep understanding of its features and benefits.
  3. Must be active on at least one social media platform and willing to share Hydrus content regularly.


  1. Content Creation: Create and post at least two pieces of content each month (may be seasonal) featuring Hydrus products.
  2. Engagement: Respond to any queries or comments about Hydrus products on your posts.
  3. Reporting: Touch base monthly summarizing your promotional activities and their impact.
  4. Product Feedback: Provide detailed feedback on Hydrus products and offer suggestions for improvements or new products.


  1. Compensation: Earn a certain % of in-store credit on every sale made through your unique referral link. 
  2. Exclusive Gear: Get access to gear and designs available only to our brand ambassadors.
  3. Community: Attend exclusive Hydrus events and engage in priority product trials.
  4. Feature: Get featured on Hydrus social media platforms and website.


  1. No spamming. Any Ambassador found to be spamming will be removed from the program.
  2. Do not misrepresent the Hydrus brand or make false claims about our products.


The Ambassador relationship can be terminated by either party with written notice. Upon termination, any outstanding rewards will be paid out, and the Ambassador will cease promoting Hydrus products.

How to Apply:

  1. Complete the online application form on our website.
  2. If selected, you will receive an onboarding email with further instructions.

By joining the Hydrus Ambassador Program, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. We're excited to have you as part of our mission to make paddleboarding more than just a sport, but a lifestyle enriching lives and communities.